Getting Started

Getting started on the adoption journey and taking that first step is always the most complicated part. IAC is here to support you both with that first step and as you move forward. The Information Pack for the UK Special Programme outlines the process in depth but you can find a brief guide here.  Since 2012 when the programme began we have placed over 50 children, many of whom have been from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds.

At present the UK Special Programme is open to any IAC applicants who may be changing country, either during the process or after approval, and those families returning to adopt again.  There are over 4000 children in the UK waiting for an adoptive home.  Our focus is to work with those that wait the longest which includes Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic children, sibling groups, older children and those with additional needs. The FAQ’s answer some of the questions regarding eligibility.

The Process

Stage One

  • Registration of Interest Form accepted by IAC
  • Stage One of the Approval Process commences (normally 2-3 months)
  • Prospective Adopters attend Preparation Course
  • Prospective Adopters gather information for Adoption Portfolio
  • Agency undertakes all statutory checks on prospective adopters

Stage One review

If all checks satisfactory prospective adopters proceed to:

Stage Two 

  • Attendance at additional training (if required)
  • Assessment with Social Worker (usually 4 months)
  • Adoption Panel and Recommendation as to suitability
  • Agency Decision Maker approval
  • IAC assists with matching to a child/children through Activity Days, Link Maker and RAA relationships
  • Selection and Matching Panel
  • Introductions to child/children prior to moving in day
  • Placement Support and Monitoring
  • Adoption Order through the UK Courts
  • Adoption Support from IAC and child’s placing local authority.