Your Voice

Coram IAC is committed to making sure that the voices of adopted people that we are in contact with inform our ethos, values, and services. We are therefore working to ensure that this happens continually.

Coram IAC recognises that everyone who is adopted will not feel the same way. Many adopted people question why they were adopted and often can feel as though they had no say in the decision. Coram IAC has a long history of working with adopted people across our workforce and we are actively working with adopted adults to learn more about their experiences so that we can learn from these.

Coram IAC is also involved in lobbying for change to adoption as the world modernises its approach to what we mean by adoption. We fully believe that all children belong in families, and as long as children cannot be cared for by their birth families or relatives, we think that adoption can be a life-changing way for children to be part of a family. However, we know that heritage, identity, and life experience are all important aspects of life, and particularly so for adopted people, so we want modern adoption to change to reflect these experiences.