Social Workers

If you are an adoption social worker looking for support with international adoption cases, Coram IAC can help provide advice and training in the intercountry adoption process. As the leading international adoption agency in the UK, we provide support for social workers looking to place children with the right families. One of our main points of contact is the advice line and we encourage social workers to call in for advice so that you can be directed to the right department. We currently provide advice for adoption social workers who undertake work for subscribing agencies, with the advice line open during working hours. Our team provides information on specific countries as well as guidance on assessment matters.

There are also some further services that Coram IAC offer that could be of use to adoption social workers and help you provide the right advice for families looking to adopt abroad. Some of the adoption services we offer include;

  • Brief Country Guides - covers some common questions for the largest countries
  • Subscribers Bulletin - more information and updates for international adoption
  • Support Sessions - scheduled sessions providing support for social workers

If you are a social worker looking for support then you can contact the advice line on 020 8447 4753 or get in touch with us by email through